Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Sat, Oct 18 2014 8:00 PM

Berkeley Arts
2133 University Avenue Berkeley
Click for Venue page

Dean Santomieri - Theresa Wong

Theresa Wong and Dean Santomieri will be playing solo pieces and duets

Theresa will perform a set of solo pieces on cello. Her performance asks a bewildering question: "how can I rediscover the core of the cello as wood and string and hair, or even simply as a tree?" Expect pure energy: a relentless digging to unearth the raw, wild vibrations of her materials.

Dean will perform selections from his currently developing repertoire of Partch Songs, for voice and guitar. Inspired by Harry Partch's idiosyncratic use of voice and microtonality, the songs are sung, intoned, or spoken, against an often dissonant accompaniment. Song subjects range from Freud's visit to the US, and the waitressing career of financial advisor Suze Orman to Werner Herzog's jungle diatribe from the film Burden of Dreams.