8:15 pm
Franck Martin - modular synth
9:00 pm Murder Sewage
Naomi Harrison-Clay (sax), Joel Nelson (Guitar), Maia Ziaee (synth), and Rowan Mathews (vocals)
Franck Martin, born in France, draws his inspiration from the works of Jean-Michel Jarre, Vangelis, Tangerine Dream and also from various artists like Iannis Xenakis and Hughes Le Bars. His first album, released in 2016, is a timid exploration of the tools for Electronic Music Production. Some tracks are influenced by the years he spent in Fiji and in the Pacific Islands and were often composed during his travels. His more recent albums are sonic experiments using an ever evolving modular synthesizer, often recorded in live conditions.
Franck Martin continues his exploration in the creation and production of electronic music, whilst meeting other fellow artists from San Francisco and the world.
A new band formed at Mills College, Murder Sewage, in the fall of 2018. Chaotically existing somewhere in the realm of noise rock, improvisation, and punk jazz, the sewage kids include Naomi Harrison-Clay (sax), Joel Nelson (Guitar), Maia Ziaee (synth), and Rowan Mathews (vocals). We draw influences from many of the artists and teachers at Mills College including: John Bischoff, Laetitia Sonami, and Zeena Parkins. While trying to learn lessons from bands like Throbbing Gristle and Wolf Eyes to build a unique mixer of sounds and approaches to our music. We work with a simi-composed approach interspersed with improvisation. Each piece is structured by written material and further influenced and manipulated by improvisation. The music can be mixed and matched in many different ways leaving each performance new depending on how we organize the written material. Our "traditional" instruments are also used in varying extended techniques with the use of guitar pedals and electronics. Each member of the band has developed a unique approach to their instrument by pairing it with electronics. For example, the vocals and saxophone are extended well beyond the normal range of what the instruments are expected to do by using this method. The band can be described as a collaboration between musicians, each with a unique approach to their instrument thereby creating a unique musical experience. Approaching the idea of a band as a collective that can explore sonic fields within a given musical structure. Murder Sewage is a contemporary ensemble taking up a role in transmuting the dark shadow world into the sonic realm.
Cost: $8-15 sliding
Videos featuring musicians playing at this event
Franck Martin - NPR Tiny Desk Contest 2021