Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Fri, Sep 20 2024 8:00 PM

In a coproduction with The Lab and Audium, SFEMF presents four nights of live electronic performances featuring a diverse cadre of internationally renowned and emerging creators. The work ranges from explorations of brainwaves, intricate piano etudes with an electronic twist, and late-night SF-inspired musique concrète to enhanced human bodies as extended instruments.

Friday, September 20th, SF Electronic Music Festival presents Amanda Chaudhary and her visually stunning interdisciplinary electronic work, followed by Pedestrian Deposit—Shannon A. Kennedy and J. Borges—who create visceral narratives through genre-busting feedback manipulation and interaction with physically activated sculptural instruments. The evening closes with Evicshen (Victoria Shen) guiding the audience on a spectacular and thrilling journey of noise, sampling, synthesis, and live processing, exploring the physicality of sound in relation to the human body.

The Lab Performances (Friday-Sunday) $20 per night; $45 festival pass;
Festival page:
9/20 ticket link:

Cost: $20; festival pass $45