MSHR + Shatter Pattern
Doors 8pm / Show 8:30pm
$17 adv / $20 door / free or discounted for members
MSHR is an art collective that collaboratively builds and explores sculptural electronic systems. Their performances and installations integrate electrical signals and human presence, weaving dense networks of causality to form audiovisual environments that babble with life-like current. They explore intuitive and technical gradients between sonic and sculptural forms, using analog circuitry and open-source software to sculpt mutually resonant hyperobjects. MSHR was founded by Brenna Murphy and Birch Cooper in 2011 in Portland, Oregon. The name MSHR is a modular acronym designed to hold varied ideas over time. It can be pronounced as an acronym or like a thing that meshes.
Shatter Pattern reallocates the memory space divided during dreams in hopes of generating a shared access platform for auditory practices that can slow down and speed up event perception. Music partakes of body-phenomena, and shatter pattern music endeavors to translate into unknowable bodies. Using polyrhythm, textural sound and vocal processing, shatter patterns break down and stretch our sensory expectations of what a human song can be. Shatter Pattern (previously Waxy Tomb) has performed at CCRMA, the Lab, San Francisco Electronic Music Festival, Algorithmic Art Assembly, with releases on Embalming Lately(NYC), Gilgongo Records (Arizona) and Weird Ear (Oakland).