Rob moved to Oakland in July of 2000.
He graduated from the Oberlin Conservatory in May 2000.
Rob improvises.
Mostly on the Guitar, the Piano, the PowerBook, and the Accordian.
He played piano with "surface.music" a few times at the Knitting Factory and other venues in New York.
"surface.music" is a quartet of New York improvisers:
Brian Chase (drums)
Byrne Klay (bass),
Rob Reich (piano)
David Reminick (saxophone)
They made a CD last year.
surfacemusicHe played with Corey Dargel at the Knitting Factory on May 30th. This show was given a really nice review by Kyle Gann in the Village Voice.
Village Voice ReviewIn this group, Corey plays the piano and sings, and Rob plays the accordian and the guitar. At this particular show, they were joined by Yvan Greenberg who performed a magic act.
Corey and Rob have made a few cds.
Rob also played with the Keanus for about a year.
The Keanus were a hard-hitting free-bop quartet, with the same members as surface.music except Matt Mueller played the Bass.
Rob and Wally Scharold organized the Free Improv Series at the Oberlin Conservatory last year, a semester-long weekly series that featured the best of Oberlin's improvisers - both students and faculty.
Look at Wally's website.
MirthkonRob would like to play music with you. or for you. or around you.
email him at rob_reich@hotmail.com