Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Jon Leidecker has been performing music under the name Wobbly since 1990. Releases include the album 'Wild Why' for Tigerbeat6, 'Live 99>00' for Phthalo, and the 3" CDs "Regards" for Alku, and "Playlist" for Illegal Art. Recent festival appearences include Sound Unseen / Plunderphonia in Minneapolis, Ether at Royal Festival Hall in London, and Sonar in Barcelona.
Upcoming Events:

Thursday, April 3 2025 8:00 PM
Thee Stork Club [2330 Telegraph Avenue Oakland]
Jordan Glenn's Beak, Green Mitchell Trio, Wobbly, w/ duo B. vs Liberty Ellman  More...
CDs on which Wobbly appears:
Wobbly live 99>00
Artist: Wobbly
Title: live 99>00
Label: Phthalo 29
Label page on this site: Phthalo
Phthalo 29