composer, musician, mastering engineer and label proprietor

Thomas Dimuzio is a composer, musician, mastering engineer and label proprietor based in San Francisco. Long regarded as a musical pioneer for his innovative use of live sampling and studio techniques to create consistently compelling works, Dimuzio has earned a deserved reputation worldwide as an avant-garde sound artist in touch with the aesthetic pulse of time and technology. Effortlessly moving from electro-acoustic and noise to glitch, dark ambient, improv and drone, Dimuzio's eclecticism bespeaks a career equally informed by profound dedication to his craft and collaborations with friends, artists and technologists alike.
Equally versed in sound design and production, Dimuzio has produced radically distinct sound libraries for Big Fish Audio, Rarefaction and OSC which have then been utilized by television programs such as the X-Files, and done mastering work for the likes of Negativland, Wobbly/People Like Us/Matmos, and GG Allin as well as worked on many remix projects, including the Art Bears. Among his collaborations include work with Chris Cutler, Fred Frith, Matmos, Wobbly, DJ Qbert, Dan Burke, Paul Haslinger, Due Process, 5uu's and many others.