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Artist Che Guevara Memorial Marching (and Stationary) Accordion Band
Title Che Guevara Memorial Marching (and Stationary) Accordion Band
Label Public Eyesore - -
Released On 6/15/2005
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The formula - an accordion sextet - is quite simple but taking a look at the names of these improvisers (Bob Marsh, Dan Cantrell, David Slusser, Ernesto Diaz-Infante, John Finkbeiner, Ron Heglin) one already knows we're in for lots of unconventional techniques, no-boundary excursions and dissonance a go-go. Although a mass of accordion clusters can become seriously oppressive for unqualified listeners, this armada mysteriously finds a way to escape the hammers of boredom through a systematic combination of slight distress and levity which raises the music level up a few notches. The fractured structure of the pieces - particularly the "Tender (Loin) suite" - does the rest, allowing the Che Guevarians to affirm their absolutely independent-minded aesthetic, counterpointed by an idealistic stance transpiring from every single moment of the disc; but if you expected something like Lars Hollmer's fairy tales or Guy Klucevsek's recent romanticisms, you've ventured yourself in a dangerous place. - Massimo Ricci, Touching Extremes
released June 15, 2005

Bob Marsh
Dan Cantrell
David Slusser
Ernesto Diaz-Infante
John Finkbeiner
Ron Heglin

Released by Public Eyesore in 2005.