Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Artist Ernesto Diaz-Infante
Title Live at WNUR
Label Bandcamp - -
Released On 6/10/2021
Purchase Purchase Here

This latest album was recorded during a crazy cold stint in Chicago back in 2007-- live on WNUR-FM. I came to town to work on my partner Marjorie's documentary “The Cult of JT Leroy”, and I picked-up this gig on the side. We were traveling with film equipment and our three year old son (and his car-seat and stroller) so I tried to go as light as possible with my portable Martin Backpacker travel guitar. What unfolds is a thirty-six minute acoustic trance work that uses strumming, bowing, and tapping as the main components of the piece. —Ernesto Díaz-Infante, June 2021
released June 10, 2021

Ernesto Diaz-Infante - Martin Backpacker Guitar

Recorded live by Mike Corsa at WNUR 89.3
Evanston, Illinois/Northwestern University
December 2, 2007