Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Artist Phillip Greenlief & Covered Pages
Title Russian Notebooks, Volume 1
Label Evander Music - Em 007

7 compositions for two guitars and two wind instruments by Phillip Greenlief, based on his experiences of living in Saint Petersburg in the summer of 1998.

Phillip Greenlief & Vinny Golia: massive woodwind onslaught
Nels Cline & GE Stinson: electric guitars

LIMITED COPIES REMAINING: Order your copy today!

Review from New Creative Music:

Ah! Professor Greenlief! Always a pleasure to listen to his music...very multi-dimensionally pleasing. Four masters in a very unique format: NC in the left channel, GE in the right, VG and PG mixing it up. Not only is this a fin performance (top-notch!) but the recording quality (Wayne Peet and Myles Boisen) is absolutely exquisite. Moments of imposed structure and long stretches of freedom. Imbued with a dark moodiness made other-worldly by electronics and electric guitars. What a great CD!