Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Artist The Abstractions
Title Sonic Conspiracy
Label Edgetone Records - EDT4012 -
Released On 2/1/2002
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The Abstractions, named by poet/author C.J. Reaven Borosque, was created by Bay Area musician/producers Ernesto Diaz-Infante and Rent Romus. From that creation out grew the collective ensemble you see before you. Taking elements from a cross section of music genres and backgrounds, The Abstractions present an unclassifiable raw set of new sonic surreal textures forcing thought and feelings about life and culture in the real world. Drawing from an improvisational body of knowledge, the unspoken words transformed to music, history, and social insight make up the musical repertoire.
released February 1, 2002

Ernesto Diaz-Infante - prepared guitars, keyboards, toys, radio, voice
Bob Marsh - vibes/violin, vioce
Scott Looney - percussion
Jesse Quattro - vocals
Rent Romus - alto/soprano saxes, flute, voice, odd things