Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Artist John English, Jim Kerwin, George Marsh, Jon Raskin
Title Edges
Label Evander Music - Em 039
Released On 12/10/2006

Over the course of several years in the late 80's Jon English, Jim Kerwin, George Marsh and myself regularly met at George's garage in Redwood City to improvise, work on compositions that we brought in and generally had a great time. A true garage band although occasionally we would find a gig to play. This recording came about because of George telling us about a student of his, Garth Powell, who had the most amazing stereo recording setup. Off we went to Sonoma State where Garth was setup and we spent a very happy couple of hours playing being captured by tube microphone's and Garth's tricked out stereo deck. Over the years we would say that this music has to come out and now finally it has. We hope you enjoy it.