653 Chenery St.
San Francisco CA 94131
(415) 586-3733
A bookshop/performance venue in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood.
Besides operating as a new/used generalist's bookshop with a small but sweet selection of vintage jazz vinyl and recent cds by local artists, the shop's allied Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project (BBCLP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization charged with the mission to present, document and archive the creative work of significant living writers and musicians in the San Francisco Bay Area, for a neighborhood audience and future generations. Established in 2007 to take over responsibility for an ever expanding slate of cultural programming at the bookshop (est. 1999), the BBCLP presents four live concert series each week (Fridays through Sundays), a twice monthly poetry series on Mondays, and many other cultural programs. The BBCLP also publishes AMERARCANA, an annual literary review, now in its fifth issue.
Bird & Beckett Books & Records is located at 653 Chenery Street between Diamond and Castro in San Francisco’s Glen Park neighborhood at the southern foot of Twin Peaks. 1-1/2 blocks from the Glen Park BART station (one stop past the 24th/Mission station) and is served by MUNI lines 23, 36, 44, 52 & J-Church.
By car, take the Monterey exit off I-280 South, or the Bosworth exit off I-280 North.