Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Peacock Lounge
552 Haight St
San Francisco CA 94117  
(415) 621-9850

Private club in The Haight.

Upcoming Events:
Thursday, April 10 2025 8:00 PM
Com£♡ (compound love), Thomas Carnacki, Thomas Dimuzio, W.O.E.
Thursday April 10 8pm-11pm Peacock Lounge, 552 Haight, SF
All-ages, $5-$15 no one turned away for lack of funds.

Com£♡ (compound love)
Returning from Japan to San Francisco, where in the 1990s he ran the Drum Machine Museum, Whitebox VIP, and created the "Drum Machine TV" channel on SF Public Access, Mickey Tachibana creates layered, immersive experiences by integrating modular synthesis, ethnic instruments, and field recordings into their audio-visual performances. Don't miss this rare occasion to welcome back San Francisco's prodigal curator, performer, and mystic. |

Thomas Carnacki
Ghosts, like people in fiction, work through a presence outside of time that bears upon the living with potency more enduring than those considered "alive" in the routine sense. The eponymous detective ghost-finder and occultist might have vanished in 1912 or... may yet stir in the limbs of Gregory Scharpen, Cheryl Leonard and (upon this occasion) the ethereal Agnes Szelag! Is it so hard to believe Carnacki's "Electric Pentacle" or the Saaamaaa Ritual could be transposed to sound synthesizer or contact microphones. Wouldn't you be compelled to witness these sonic implements "creaking in a mad vile glee" ritualistically employed inside the Whistling, the Peacock Lounge? Get a front row seat, a garlic in each ear, then hold hands to form a circle, well... if you dare.

Thomas Dimuzio
Dimuzio is the wizard the land of Oz wished for, boundless, benemalevolent, shrouded in torrents of sound, daring lions to speak and machines to weep. Come set your straw brains alight and melt your metal heart while your furry ears purr and yowl. Innovative techniques of sound synthesis, signal processing, algorithmic mixing and custom crossfade looping fuel this synergy of man and machine.

Blending minimal techno, IDM, and noise, W.O.E. absorbs and reflects the shredded energies of our times via live performance. Members JaMile Jackson and Brian Tester have long histories in the Bay Area's electronic and underground rock scenes and combine well-honed improvisational skills with underlying structures to explore connections and experiences through sound. Their aresenal combines portable digital technologies with modern analog instrumentation.
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