Streaming only:
Click for stream WATCH G|O|D|W|A|F|F|L|E||N|O|I|S|E||P|A|N|C|A|K|E|S -----FREE STREAM!!!
So, again setbacks/coordination & edits finalized for a boffo 5pm preshow/post show including a full Brutallo pick movie & after the main pancake event, remembering some ol' pancake buddies who died in Ghost Ship's trap. In the middle 6pm event we have the wonder contributors for May 27th 2020 as follows:
Thomas Dimuzio-------Coagulator (L.A.)------Thom Blum-------Earth Jerks---------Alex C. (NYC)-------Mal Sed
STREAM HEREAround 5pm: Pre show movie
6pm SHARP: Main Godwaffle event, have your nightcakes cooking!
7pmish: After show with Nevari Butchers vid, Ghost Ship victims -Alien Slang/L1p_Ch333wwww3r/Finger the Janitor
up to the second hot noise actions, hotter noizu deveined, mixed with sock powered
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