Serving the San Francisco Bay Area New Music Community

Kanoko Nishi-Smith
piano, koto
Kanoko Nishi-Smith is a performer currently based in SF/Bay Area. Though classically trained on piano, receiving a BA in Classical Music Performance from Mills College, her recent interest has primarily been in performing 20th century and contemporary musical compositions for piano as well as for koto (Japanese 13-string zither), and free-improvisation in various different contexts, with musicians, as well as dancers, poets,
and visual artists.
Upcoming Events:

Saturday, May 11 2024 8:00 PM
Temescal Arts Center [511 48th Street Oakland]
Jacob Felix Heule, Danishta Rivero, Kanoko Nishi-Smith, and Chris Cooper perform as a quartet in 4-channel surround sound. Freely improvised music for spatially-miked 32-inch bass drum, koto, voice, guitar, and most folks doubling on electronics in interaction with their instruments. Raw, brutal, textural, and often very quiet, they obsessively explore the secret sounds of their instruments. They embrace noise, with the lines blurred between electronic processing and extended techniques. This will be the first performance by this quartet, though these four musicians have played in just about every other permutation of this personnel going back to 2007.  More...
CDs on which Kanoko Nishi-Smith appears:
Bruckmann/Djll/Heule/Nishi-Smith Brittle Feebling
Artist: Bruckmann/Djll/Heule/Nishi-Smith
Title: Brittle Feebling
Label: Bandcamp
Label page on this site: Bandcamp
The Emergency String (X)tet meet Rent Romus Emergency Rental
Artist: The Emergency String (X)tet meet Rent Romus
Title: Emergency Rental
Label: Edgetone Records EDT4100
Label page on this site: Edgetone Records
Edgetone Records EDT4100